Hello Santosh, I was subcribed to you're blog when it was hosted at rit.edu, but I think you shifted here. Time to update my bloglines. You asked me on my blog :
I was wondering if you could tell me how you manage to block comment spam?
Well I turned on my CAPTCHA word verification but you seem to have already done that.That should deter them. Blogspot splogs are a big concern these days, especially after this article.
Hello Santosh, I was subcribed to you're blog when it was hosted at rit.edu, but I think you shifted here. Time to update my bloglines.
You asked me on my blog :
I was wondering if you could tell me how you manage to block comment spam?
Well I turned on my CAPTCHA word verification but you seem to have already done that.That should deter them. Blogspot splogs are a big concern these days, especially after this article.
Unknown, at 6:35 AM
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